How can we save money? It must be one of the most searched for things. Everyone tries to economise, no matter how much money they earn. If you earn a lot, you spend a lot and if like the majority, every month is a struggle then it is even more important.
Lots of us will sit down and work out what we spend and then look to try and save some money on every item on the list: food, petrol, gas and electric, mobiles, going out, clothes and all the other nice things we all want to do. Half way through checking online to see if we can save a few pounds here and there, we decide it is pointless, it is too difficult and also so boring, who actually has time to do this stuff...I would rather be watching Netflix, oh that's another expense I forgot to jot down! The list get thrown to the side, kettle goes on and will probably be looked at when the next time the bills and wages don't equal each other out.
What if there was another way to save money in a more holistic or overall approach. Could I save money on all those things or at least most of them? Surely if I could, I would know about it or someone would have told me about it. I would have seen it on TV or heard about it on the radio or even seen something about of the world wide web!
What if I could put all my bills together with one company? That might save some money but nobody saves money on petrol do they, or do they? What about saving money on clothes or days out or eating out when everyone can finally come out of another Covid 19 induced lockdown.
This is where the holistic approach kicks in. Put your gas and electric with one company, well everyone pretty much all does that already. What about adding your broadband, your mobile and landline? Not many companies are doing that are they. What if you could add in home insurance too? Even fewer, if any companies do that? Petrol, clothes, going out and eating out, what about those.
Well there is a company that do all of that plus, by using the cashback card giving between 1% and 7% cashback at lots of shops and 3% on fuel at sainsburys. All these saving add up to give you the big overall savings you have been looking for and struggled to try and make on an individual basis. What if it was all on one single bill, imagine how simple life would be with one phone number, one account and password to remember...Well there is a company doing all of it...Now what did I say I was going to do...oh yes binge watch The Crown!