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Earning extra money from a side hustle...really?


Have you ever had that thought...I could do with a few extra pounds £££ when faced with that larger than

expected bill or you fancy making that impulse purchase or even have a bit of spare money to put away. I know I have.

So what are these side hustles I keep reading about, crypto mining, getting rich buying bitcoin etc or do I need to take on an extra part time job. Don't get me wrong who wouldn't want to earn whilst the crypto rig is whirring away in the corner of the room with out lifting as much as a finger. Sure it might work for some but for the rest of us it seems too much like a get rich quick scheme that might work for others but never works for me.

So it the good old fashioned part-time job...or for the gig economy generation the side hustle as people refer to it nowadays...

So what would be a good part-time job, well I think we can all think of a few but do they really motivate us to get out of the reality, not really. Sure I'm going to earn a few pounds but is that going to really help me out long term. Surely the ideal side hustle is one where I could earn enough to allow me more life choices.

How about a side hustle where you do the job once but keep getting paid for writer, maybe but unless you're the next (fill in the blank) then probably we will leave that to one side. Even better a combination of money now and residual income like a royalty ...there is the song connection again.

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